Environmental Education Will Help us to Plan for the Future in a Better Way

Environmental education is needed more each day
We can’t reduce air pollution if we don’t do things in a new way

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Free Samples and the Children’s Eco-Project Update

First I should thank all the individuals who have contributed to the eco-project over the many years, you have liked my posts , commented on them, given me great reviews on my eBooks and Fiverr gigs and encouraged me to keep on trying… I appreciate your support a lot. Working on the solution for plasticContinue reading “Free Samples and the Children’s Eco-Project Update”

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Why we need to figure out how to treat plastic when it is not needed anymore

It is important for us to have clean water and air
Let us spread the word about the need for environmental care

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Take Care of Mother Earth and She Will Take Care of You

Mother Earth provides the herbs, vegetables, grains, fruits and so much more for us all She helps us to be healthy and strong so we can stand tall It is time for us to pay more attention to environmental care So we can have less pollution and more clean water and air We might seeContinue reading “Take Care of Mother Earth and She Will Take Care of You”

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Why we Should Spread the Word about the Need For Environmental Protection

Waste management is not to be done only by the government
We should be doing our part as we protect the environment

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