When People Know About Benefits -They Protect Mother Nature More

When you protect Mother Nature she will protect you too

Your food will not be contaminated with chemicals and and you’ll have a lot to do

You’ll be making compost and putting waste in separate bins

As you get ready to recycle much more than plastic and tins

Protecting Mother Nature is the greatest thing we can do

We will be protecting our own health and our future too

When we see the benefits and the great strides others made in all environmental endeavors

We will see how much benefits we derive from the actions of those who are so clever

Photo by Akil Mazumder on Pexels.com

From better forest management, to the saving of endangered species, the lowering of air and water pollution, the virtual elimination of acid rain

There is so much being done and more people can learn about it, so they can know how they will gain

The reclamation of our forest and ecosystem, by moving away from wood burning as the primary fuel to run society

We can protect our planet a lot more when we depend on our creativity

Ancient forests have completely recovered beyond proportions that existed prior to the industrial revolution

It is clear that every problem we face has a solution

Don’t just tell them about the benefits but show them benefits that have and can be achieved

When people see great results they get a better feeling and the begin believing

Photo by Alena Koval on Pexels.com

Planning for The Future

And never forget how important it is for us to try to make our future bright

We can wake up our children and help them to see the light

Tell them how we benefit from great eco-friendly plans each day

Soon they will make plans of their own and we will live in a better way

Now that you can order special books for the children on Amazon it is easy to tell children about environmental care

We can look forward to having clean water and air

Published by denise421win

A Creative Writer who is an Author and Lyricist, you'll like my e books and my fiverr gigs. This is my site... www.funwritings.com Take a look at the fantastic project for the children and the environment. More books are being published for the children so they will be aware of the many things they can learn about protecting the environment each day. A lot is being done for environmental protection Awareness in the best way right here.

3 thoughts on “When People Know About Benefits -They Protect Mother Nature More

  1. You know Denise, you would think that will all of these facts about the benefits of protecting Mother Nature, we would be doing a much better job and not need reminders for environmental protection and awareness. I applaud you for continuing to keep the narrative alive. 🙏🏼💖🦋 Thank you my friend! 🌲🌅🌄

    1. You are welcome My friend, I think people don’t know how to make a difference, they think their actions won’t matter, so I’m trying to encourage them… Thanks again for leavinf such a great comment here

      1. Oh Denise, it is always a pleasure to read your informative and encouraging words. May your words fall on fertile ears my friend. Take care!!! 😘🦋🤗🌲🥰💐😎

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