Let us Plant More Trees

Trees keep us healthy in many ways

Encourage more persons to plant trees today

We are doing a lot for our planet when we plant trees

We will have cleaner air and there will be more homes for birds and bees

There would be no problems here

If trees were being replanted everywhere

When persons who make a living with material that is made from trees

Don’t think about replanting, when they should be doing that with ease

Deforestation and hunger is causing a number of problems for us

When we are asked to plant more trees, we shouldn’t fuss


check out the great project for the children and the environment

Published by denise421win

A Creative Writer who is an Author and Lyricist, you'll like my e books and my fiverr gigs. This is my site... www.funwritings.com Take a look at the fantastic project for the children and the environment. More books are being published for the children so they will be aware of the many things they can learn about protecting the environment each day. A lot is being done for environmental protection Awareness in the best way right here.

8 thoughts on “Let us Plant More Trees

  1. I swear on a bus last night I thought I should plant a tree when I go back home. Let me write it down so I don’t forget.

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